Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Rimrock Rodeo number 2, season 28 turned out some very strong competitions...

Thanks to the cooler temperature, everyone was in top spirits and ready to roll.  In fact the bareback and saddle broncs  won as they unseated their riders.
 Josh Frost managed to stay on his bull for the 8 seconds and a score of 88 for first place. Second place went to Nate Hory scoring in the high 70s.
Zack Goodman was the only successful Junior bull rider as the junior bulls were really  unpredictable.   
Ribbon roping is always a fun event to watch.  Shanni Shipley placed first with Samantha Denton second.
In Barrel Racing, slack times ranged from a 16 something to six racers running for 17 second times and some gals made 18 second runs, making this competition quite intense.  Adalie Hanson took first in the 1D section with Samantha Denton second.
In 2 D, Emily Steiner was first and Monica Smith second.
In  3 D, Addison Ellibee raced to first and Maddie Bunkelman was second.
Team roping, the Header is named first with Heeler  named second in each pair.
Team Roping #8 Monica Smith and Jerry Satterfield took first place.
  Team Luke Smith and Blake Denton placed second.
Team Roping #11 Team Blake Denton and Lee Wolford were first. 
Team Shanni Shipley and Michael Baleztena roped for second place. who died suddenly in an accident. Brannon was a great participant in team roping at Rim Rock.

Tami Goza, Jim Allen and family members were present as The Rim Rock organization wanted to honor the memory of their son, Brannon, a superb team roper. 

The photos from barrel racing and mutton busting follow.  As time permits more photos will be posted, some bull riding,  some candids of the rodeo crowd.   Rim Rock Rodeo is held every Tuesday, June to the first of August. See you there.

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