Tuesday, July 7, 2015

WACWC meeting, panel discussion on U.S. foreign aid

WACWC VPs to examine U.S. foreign aid
The United States is projected to spend more than $35 billion in 2015 for foreign aid. Proponents of foreign aid say it helps developing countries, promotes peace, offers humanitarian assistance and maintains global security. Opponents question whether the U.S. can afford to be so generous.
Bennett Boeschenstein and Duane Butcher, vice presidents of World Affairs Council of Western Colorado, will examine U.S. foreign aid in a panel discussion at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 23 at the Mesa County Public Library, main branch.  (Please note the earlier start time.)
Boeschenstein is a member of the Grand Junction City Council. He is a retired professional urban planner who has worked for local governments over the past 30 years. His international experience includes three years as a volunteer in the U.S. Peace Corps in Tanzania and Kenya, where he taught primary school and did agricultural extension work, as well as traveling extensively in Europe and Africa.
Butcher retired from the Senior Foreign Service after spending 30 years at various overseas posts. His last assignment was as Coordinator of the Kuwait Task Force in the State Department in the run-up to the first Gulf War.
The event is free and open to the public. Please see wacwc.org for updates.

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WACWC is a proud member of the United States' largest non-profit organization devoted to foreign affairs education.

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