Saturday, April 26, 2014

Art Camp 2014, June

With four week-long camps with the sole purpose of doing and creating ART, we are happy to share the information again righty here. You should be able to just print out the registration form, send it with check or money order to address provided. Remember the first 35 campers to register will make the camp. We have room only for 35 each week. First 35!!
Fruita Art Camp

Fruita Art Camp is an enrichment program that has been in operation teaching the value of the arts to local kids for over 15 years.

Our camp’s mission is:
Summer Art Camp is an educational experience that provides a child the opportunity for learning different types of creative art processes thus providing the chance to learn self-expression and creativity in an open and non-judgmental environment.

The program is for kids ages 5 (having finished kindergarten) to 13 years of age.
Things to bring:
    a water bottle marked with name.
    sack lunch with added snacks for break, 
marked with name
    wear comfortable shoes for activities
    a hat or cap, sun screen optional

Registration: Cost per week is $65.
Additional immediate family siblings, $35 each.   Camper Ages 5(must have completed kindergarten) to 13.
Camper’s name(s)
_____________________________________ Age____

Phone: home:________________Cell___________
City_________________ Zip_____________________
Emergency contact_________________________
Emergency phone 24/7___________________
Any other emergency contacts: _______________________________________________
Any allergies or medical conditions teachers should be aware of for safety sake.________________________________________
If medication needed, name of person to
administer with directions, etc.

Circle camper’s transportation choices:
Walking           scooter or bike        car
Written note for our files showing your
Camper will walk, bike or scooter required.  If car, Please list individuals and (phone #)  who will be picking camper up or with whom he/she will ride. ______________________________________________

If you should change plans last minute for a different person picking up, teachers need written note with name and information.
Please sign here if your child has permission to attend possible field trips. We will send any information prior to trip_________________________________________
Please check the camp or camps you are registering for:
___________June 2 -6 Wearable art
___________June 9 – 13 Animals in Art
___________June 15 – 19 Energy and Art
___________June 23 – 27 Artist, camper’s ch.
Send check or money order made out for fee to:  FMS Art Dept. att. Art Camp, to the following address:
Fruita Middle School Art DEPT
239 N Maple
Fruita, CO 81521. 
Questions? Please call Vera Mulder,  314 1245 or email her at                       
vmulder 505

Each week’s theme changes.
Possible projects are listed.
Week one: Wearable Art
Clay bowls for clay pendants and beads. Box with lid, Self portrait in clay tile.
Paper dolls, students designed clothes. Prints on paper, t-shirts. Designs on fabric. Fabric landscapes. Collage artists.

Week two: Animals
Sculpted clay animals.
Dioramas (environments). Paper batiks
Pencil drawings from life, Animal paper masks, Eric Carle animal paintings,
Animal prints, animal portraits
Animal haiku books. Visit Children’s Nature Center.

Week three: Energy Sources,
Going Green:
Clay projects based on energy.
Exploring found-art and artists such as Nevelson, Calder, Moore, Oldenburg,
Keeping a sketch book, reliefs, mosaics, weaving, sun printing,

Week Four: Camper’s Artist Choice
Tell a story in relief tiles, Create an art
work based on camper’s choice of artist.                  
How to draw depth,  pattern,  creative color wheel, greeting or post card of artist’s style, color mixing, creative color wheel, a painting, “My Masterpiece”

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