Sunday, September 30, 2012

Rimrock Rodeo Finals for 2012

With a slight chill in the air, the rodeo animals were at their best for the season finals.
There were the gazelle sheep, at least a few, jumping at new heights. while the steers managed to
elude quite a few ropes with the calves trying to follow their example. The bulls were in their glory as they twisted, twirled and kicked faster then ever, trying to unseat their riders. It was the energy found as the rentless summer sun set sooner as days get shorter.
These young mutton busters were very proud of their new blet buckles.
(More rodeo photos to be downloaded this week.)

The athletes were doing their best as well.
Doug Schanlar placed first in saddle bronc riding.
Troy Ross scored 84 to take first place in bull riding. Jason Blasdel scored 83 for second.
Jesse Cordova roped his calf in 9.45 seconds for first and Ryan Candy roped his, in 10.94 for second place.
Ribbon Roping saw Jesse Cordova and Brittany Moon win first with a 6.64 second run.
Second place went to Jim Bob Gummersal and Aurora Dible with 14.17 seconds in breakaway.
Sheanna Shipley placed first with 7.62 and Mandy Rush took second with 7.83.
In barrel racing, 1 D, first place went to Amber G., 18.10 and second to  Deanna Linn, 18.64.
2D, Laramie Noble 19.33 for first; Kathy Norell, 19.50 for second.
3D, Chelsea Hotckiss, 20.37 for first, and Lisa Hudson, 20.57 for second.
Team Roping:
#8 Rose Smith and Mike Bounds first,
Jesse Baker and Justin Skaller second.
#11 Jesse Baker and Michael Balestena, first.
Jake Beach and Riley Beach, second.


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