Thursday, August 25, 2011

Car accidents are not a good thing for anyone

As you may have noticed I have  no photos to post because I am laid up from being in an accident with a nice white diesel pickup belonging to an over, or near, 40 year old guy who just couldn't wait util he could tell for sure clearance was there for him to safely drive out. Well he didn't, and now I am paying the price. Can't get around well...driving...can't do many things right now...
Please stop a second or two when you drive. look both ways, all ways. Besided endangering yourself, you are endangering others and their right to work and live.
 As pain permits, I will post more photos and stories. If anyone would like to write and photo,   I would happily look at the work and perhaps publish it. This site is meant to cover the  whole western slope.
God bless you all.
Vera Mulder

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