Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another in the Fruita Thursday Night Free Concert Series

Latin Nights and Suave made some great rhythm for the Fruita Thursday Night Free Concert Series, July 28, 2011. Last week's Stray Grass played to a big crowd, though not as big as Pineapple Crackers.
Julian Lopez, of Fruita and his band warmed up the audience before the main attraction took the stage. Lopez plays a great melody.The _____piece group played some great Latin tunes accompanied by a soloist whose voice complemented them.
Julian Lopez and his group
played for the audience before
the main attraction.

This computer wiz plays a mean trumpet.
'Way to go Jeff.

And so does this musician.
The soloist's voice complimented
the musical group.

The Master of ceremonies set the pace.

This young fan enjoyed the music.

It is interesting to watch the audience arrive with their lawn chairs and some, with their supper in hand. It is always the shady areas on the lawn that fill up first, since the summer sun isn't quite ready to set.
See you next week

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