Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

On Memorial Day, We Should Honor Our Fallen Heroes And What They Died For ... 
Father Welch
Honoring Veterans International

"The whole world should stop and honor America's fallen heroes on Memorial Day," commented Father Richard Welch, CSSR, JCD, President of Human Life International, the world's largest pro-life, pro-faith, pro-family apostolate. "Not as a gesture endorsing any nation and its current political or economic policy, but in honor of brave men and women who gave their lives for others."
"Memorial Day is not about picnics and ballgames. But neither is it an unqualified endorsement of American society as we know it. These brave soldiers, sailors, fliers and marines died protecting their country and what it stood for. They died defending a way of life that they felt was worth dying for ... families, children, freedom, morality, values, responsibility."
"We should each take a moment and look into our souls to see what we are doing with the bloodstained legacy they have left behind. Did those valiant Marines at Iwo Jima make their sacrifice so that sacramental union could be redefined as same sex marriage? Did our Revolutionary War heroes go into battle for the right of mothers to kill their unborn children? Did men die in the trenches at Argonne so that man-boy love could be protected?"
"Today, America is busy finding new ways to pleasure itself, new ways to avoid responsibility, new ways to destroy the family and isolate and marginalize those who call for morality and personal responsibility," concluded Father Welch. "On this most solemn holiday, we must stop and consider the great sacrifices that others have made so that we may have the freedom and prosperity we enjoy. Let us consider what those valiant warriors were fighting for...and let us honor each and every one of them...with a prayer, and a pledge to restore to this nation the honor, morality, values and love of God for which they gave their lives."
"Their true memorial is the nation and culture we create from their sacrifice. Are we really doing them the recognition they deserve?," said Father Welch in conclusion.

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