Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sculpture dedicated to seniors at Fruita Community Center.

Wearing a hat made of some of the flattened cans the seniors collected and sold to raise money for a senior center, Ellen Roberts smiles broadly. She punched holes in hundreds of cans after they had been washed and flattened. Then she crocheted the cans into hats and vests for the seniors who worked so hard to raise these funds. She even made herself a
skirt to complete her own outfit. Job well done!

Senior citizens watch as Jeff Bates talks about the sculpture he created for
the Community Center to honor the work of the seniors in raising over $90,000
for the center.
Looking to the future is
the theme of the sculpture.
The seniors unveiled the sculpture.
The plaque sums up
the effort of Fruita's
Senior Citizens.

Local artist, Jeff Bates, created the
sculpture which will house
a time capsule which will
hold items pertinent to the

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