Thursday, August 19, 2010

Open House signals beginning of new school year at FMS, 2010

Lockers offer a challenge to the sixth graders
who have never had to use lockers
in the elementary school.
Remember, turn that locker to
the right past zero, then keep going right
till your number is at top, then....
practice with the lockers was

The elective classes held orientation in the FMS Library.
Band, Orchestra, Choir, P.E. Tech Ed teachers talked with
many parents and students.

It's mid August and Fruita is seeing open houses at its two elementary schools, middle school, 8/9 school and freshman orientation at FMHS.
Important information, such as schedules, locker numbers, class schedules and more were handed
out. Sixth graders got to try out opening their lockers using the combination. Teachers were available to meet and greet students at FMS.
Open houses are important to get the year off to a good start.
Hopefully, this news blog site will hold information about activities such as sports, music, class projects and school announcements as they are provided for this site.
Be sure to check what is happening.
The halls were filled with parents waiting
to pick up schedules for their students.

Principle Irene Almond held orientation
sessions in the auditorium for parents
and students.
Students and parents gathered 'mid all
the excitement of returning to school

Little brothers and sisters enjoyed the evening as well.

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