Wednesday, August 4, 2010

More Rim rock Rodeo Photos from Aug. 2, 2010

Going against the clock.

Down he goes.
Roping and barrel racing are important events for the rodeo. The results are not always easy to access so be sure to scroll down to the next blog entry where all results of August 2nd Rimrock Rodeo are posted. To be sure to cover roping and racing, I made this entry for all to enjoy.
"Wait a minute, calf."

Hank Bounds gets the job done.

Waiting her turn.

Team roping is a true art.

Keeping cool, or
trying to keep cool.

Royalty helps with the barrels.

"Look, grandpa, there's a big truck."

"You dropped your hat."

"Yes, the sheep is soft."
Sophie Crews and horse were so fast the photo was a blurr.

Now, for the third barrel.

One, then two, finally three.

Around we go.


Go, go, go....

Here's looking at it...

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