Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Nancy Harris brought a gym full of smiles and music as Loma's fifth graders performed their last concert

Based on the 1950's era, Nancy Harris, music teacher at Loma Elememtary, enabled the fifth graders to end their career there, with the most upbeat program you'll see.  Each and every student sang his/her heart out, danced with spirit and totally enjoyed what they were doing.
"I wasn't sure what to do for the fifth grade program  this year," Harris said. "But when one of the kids heard me say that, he just came out
and said 'Do the fifties.' and that cinched it."
Complete with poodle skirts, sneakers, even a pair of saddle shoes, blue jeans and a few 'slicked back' hair styles, the students show cased the talents Harris brings out in them.
The school was the audience for the day-time performance and parents, families and friends attended the evening show.
Music plays such an important part in the development of the ability to learn for youth. Being able to perform the dances, memorize the lines, remember the tune, attach all of this to an era in history, grow in confidence to do a show all contribute to the whole child learning.
Loma is the place. Congratulations to the entire faculty for their support for such a great program.

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