Monday, April 13, 2009

Back to Meandering with Mulder, April 12, 2009

With Easter here in spite of the unpredictable weather, I caught myself reflecting about past interviews I had written on some pretty great individuals. A comment made by one reminded me of a universal pimple on the back of humanity, more than likely festering since the beginning of history in some form or the other, you know the one...  it comes in the whisper, whisper, complain and complain, the blah, blah and blah.
The person I interviewed  had graduated from college, was All American, not once but twice and was a super athlete.
Upon introducing myself she said, "Oh, you're that one," to which I responded, since I knew which high school she had attended, without even thinking, "You must have been in X's art class." 
The individual proceeded to say "Oh yes, "X" ran you down  in class so much that we decided you might be someone we would like to meet since you were getting ragged out by her. She can be pretty nasty"
I've run into this scenerio before, and still haven't figured out why, since I worked hard to teach my classes and didn't compete with the person blahhing to the afore mentioned class. I guess liking my students and being fair to each of them challenged the way she taught her classes. Oh, well. 
At work, a fellow employee one day noted that she had left a good job in another state because she refused to deal with the innuendos in her place of employment when they had become so bitter. Our office had actually enjoyed nearly ten months of relative calm and peace. Then came a new catalyst..
Apparently no place is immune and the seed was planted, to the point which I hesitated greeting some people as I was not sure exactly what was being spread. Up popped someone who verified the negative mongering, reminded me that people who matter, see through the tear down efforts and, "will accept you for who you are." 
I was reminded that one cannot change the minds of those who only see a cup half empty anyway. These find solace in the negative. And, man, has this negative flourished!
And then it happened, I experienced being fired, fired by the very person I had told about the job opening, as he was given complete "power" to manage as he saw fit. Again I was reminded how being given power can feed an ego. And then there are the individuals, who hired him, who apparently do not appreciate extra work, extra effort, but are guided by those tattle-take negatives, that allow such to happen. The only side they listen to, interestingly and predictably are those negative lies blah!  Are these then a species or an environment?
With the symbol of new life at Easter, it is to be remembered that there are many others, who hopefully outnumber the trouble mongers and myth makers, the many who daily say something good, the many who try to do at least one good, positive act for others on a daily basis, the many who pick up the pieces and build positive lives, yes, and who still value those who do give much more effort and caring than required.