Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Rim Rock Rodeo number seven, was a very dusty event...Mask wearing would have been great for everyone... 
In Saddle Bronc event, Cole Hoffman was the winner.
Bull Riding event saw Nate Hoey score 88 for first place. Second place went to Bryant Osborne.
The Junior Bull Riding event watched the bulls win...
Calf Roping first place went to Rob Daniels and second place was taken by Jake Stevens.
In Ribbon Roping, the first place pair was Jake Stevens and Gentry Goza.
Second place went to Jake Stevens and Molly Dubois.
Breakaway first place went to Afton McCourt and in second place was Sam Denton.
Barrel Racing D1, first place went to Adele Hanson; second place, Brittany Gavage.
Barrel Racing 2 D,   Braylee Blasdel was first and  Tess Younger, second.
Barrel Racing 3 D, Alex Sheley took first. Emily Stiener  placed second.

First place in Team Roping event #8, was won by Jayden Stevens and Jeff Stevens.
 Second place  in that event was taken by Jayden Stevens and Jake Stevens.
Tammy Goza and Jan Goza dominated Team Roping #11 while Tammy Goza and Kent Edwards placed second.
Following the Bull -barrel photos are photos of mutton busting.

l post rodeo pictures on my Facebook page, Vera Mulder. Do not be upset because I bash our poor leader in DC. If you are a Trumper, just scroll past to find the photos.

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