Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Rim Rock Rodeo number nine, July 28, 202

Rodeo results:
BULLS; Jate frost *80+ points, Justice  Kuper second, 70+ points
JR BULLS;  Zackerial Goodman first, Josh Standridge second
CALF ROPING; Jake Stephens and second, Ryan McCourt
RIBBON ROPING: Team Tony Mendes and Blaylee Blasdel
BREAKAWAY; Kristen Smith and second, Sam Denton
BARRELS: 1D Jackie Smith 17.7..Second SophiaWiltfang, 17.8
                   2D, Patience Williams, second Heather Blasdel
                   3D,Callie Salazar and second Cyanna Martin
TEAM ROPING: #8 Luke Smith and Monica Smith first.
                              Second,  Claton Goza and Blake Denton
                           #11 Kyle Rush and Joe Walton first
                               Second, Kristen Smith and Ty Smith

Rodeo results for last evening's RimRock Rodeo number nine....
BAREBACK: Dean Thompson
BULLS: Jate Frost with  a score of 80 something. second place, Josh Standridge, 70 something score.
JR BULLS:  Zackeriah Goodman first, Josh Standridge, second
CALF ROPNG; Jake Stephens first, Ryan McCourt, second.
RIBBON ROPING; Team Tony Mendes and Bratlee Blasdel
BREAKAWAY; Kriten Smith first and SamDenton second
BARRELS: Jackie McCourt 17,7 for first, Sophie Wilfang second 17.8
BARRELS 2D: Patience Williams first, Heather Blasdel second
BARRELS 3D:Callie Salazar first, Cyanna Martin, second
TEAM ROPING #8: First, Luke Smith and Monica Smith
                             Second, Claton Goza and Blake Denton
                           #11: Kyle Rush and JoeWolford
                                 Second, Krista Smith and Ty Smith

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