Tuesday, June 30, 2020

RimRock Rodeo number 5, season 28.

Rodeo number 5 turned out a great crowd. With much action on the part of the rodeo athletes and the animals, the rodeo crowd enjoyed a great show.
The bareback and Saddle Broncs resulted in no winner.
Nate Hoey took first place in Bull Riding. Tristan Holmes stayed on for a second place time.
the only successful ride in Junior Bulls was Michael Thompson.

In calf roping and Ribbon Roping we have no winners...
  In breakaway, Josie Snidow placed first, Samatha Denton, second.
Barrels 1 D: first place time went to Adele Hanson, second to Samaaa Denton.
Barrels 2 D: Kylie Sofich placed first, Crystal Williams , second.
Barrels 3D Braylee Blasdel placed first with  Collett Holyoak

In team Roping, #8, Kyle Rush and Coy Sears were the first place team.
Capp Biggerstaff and Card Biggerstaff were the second place team.
In team roping # 11, Blake Denton and Lee Wofford were first place.
Randi Denton and Kevin Norell made the second place time.

Barrel racing hosted 26 riders. best times were in the 18 second range.
Mutton busting is always a crowd pleasure. The bulls were majestic...

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