Tuesday, January 19, 2010

City Council hosts County Services, Dino Journey, Tom Huston and snow removal

 Fruita City Council heard a presentation from Tracey Garcher and personnel from the Mesa County Department of Human Services regarding the "open for business" day tomorrow, Jan. 21 in their new location, the old Fruita Family Health West Hospital.
Using a floor plan of the newly remodeled facility, Garcher pointed out the rooms now occupied by the Department of Human Service and Work Force Center and those by the Mesa County Health Department. Michello Trujillo, Dividion of Self Sufficency gave a brief rundown of services available from Food Assistance, Medicade, Quest Card issuance. Sue Tuffin, Director of Mesa County Work Force Center talked of that center's ability to offer service job help, availability of unemployment specialists on site, workshops concerning skills needed to apply, to interview and soft skills when applying for jobs. Veteran services will be offered, such as help in securing disability, survivors benefits and more. Triva Hauck, Child Welfare, described services available in that department. Jennifer Sorenson, Adult Services gave an over view of adult services including disables, elderly and other resources. the Director of Human Services, Len Stewart summed up the presentation stating that he was grateful to the City of Fruita for the opportunity to partner in service to the community.

 John Foster and Mike Perry introduced "Fruitadens" --the world's smallest dinosaur and
update on the Dinosaur Journey Museum. John Foster presented several slides of dinosaurs having the name Fruita within their titles. The smallest dinosaur"s bones are housed in the Natural History Museum inLos Angeles. It is the smallest discovered in North America. According to Foster, it was the size of a house cat.
It probably ate plants and hunted bugs in the late Jurassic period, 150 million years ago. It probably darted between the legs of larger dinosaurs according to Foster.
Foster unwrapped a model of the dinosaur which will be on display at Dino Journey.  An official unveiling will take place on February 10 , 11 a.m. to celebrate this discovery which was made in the Fruita Area.

Tom Huston, director of Public Works showed a map on which were pointed out the main thorough fares for traffic, therefore the streets first to receive snow removal. He presented a powerpoint filled with information about the City's equipments used for such. He noted that the City already has spent its budget for snow removal. Several citizens voiced concerns about street drains being clogged with the snow plowed from the streets. 
After approving the consent agenda, items of business already having met all requirements, the request to approve an ordinance creating an additional tax on medical marijuana was approved to be put on the April ballot for voter decision.
Executive session followed.

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