November 12, 2009, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for the government mandated up grade for a new Wastewater Treatment Plant for the City of Fruita. The new facility is located south and west of the old refinery, towards the Colorado River. Various individuals of prominence and importance made the usual speeches. The crowd enjoyed refreshments and conversation.
Of note is the fact that the roughly 30 million dollar mandated project is primarily being funded with a loan from the Colorado Water and Power Authority. This State-wide Authority’s capital is gleaned through a large bond sale. It then loans this money to municipalities for building such facilities. Federal government gives grants which helps lower the cost of the project.
Contrary to the past 20 years in which this process has been seamless and easy, the government has recently attached a major set back in that now, all projects must pass basically what some call Davis-Bacon Wages, which increases the bill from $22.8 million to $24.2 million.
According to staff, the local representatives from the offices of Senators Udall, Bennett and Salazar are working together to solve this dilemma. The governor’s office is working hard to insure, that due to the fact the City had already firmed the contract for the facility before the new regulation was issued, that the EPA does not retroactively apply the new regulation.
The photo of a map indicated by the color green, just where possible dispensaries might be located since..........
Good old marijuana is on the block. With Grand Junction declaring a moratorium on any more dispensaries of medical Marijuana for a year (They have over 20) and Palisade successfully declaring the same until after February, hoping the State can come up with regulations, Fruita is trying to hammer out their requirements. Although someone noted that any such place should be located next to the police department, no ideas have been finalized. It was strongly suggested that the same rules apply to medical marijuana as apply to the regulation of liquor stores.
Apparent in the Council’s discussion about this issue, after the public gave their opinions, was the fact that several bring their own opinions to the front. Councilman Moss indicated he had talked with hundreds of people and they were all against such. Now, to speak to hundreds in so short a time means Sunday morning as well as other organizational meetings. He noted that with such an important topic, no decision should be made due to the absence of one of the Council members, the same council member who wrote in a note to Council that he had to miss, but did not think it was a big deal since the Council agenda “was a light one.”
Another Council member noted that if the topic was still so controversial, it should be tabled and thoroughly discussed again at workshop.
Bring your shovel for the celebratory ground breaking for the new Community Center on Saturday, December 5 at the swimming pool site on Coulson, just south of the new Family Health West Hospital at high noon. There your shovel will be painted gold. Refreshments will be available and the ceremony will take place at 1.
The Little Salt Wash Ball Park will have toilet facilities by spring season. More improvements are being completed at that site. Yeah for the grass this summer. What a beautiful facility!
City Rec just put out its new Winter Activities Guide. Note: Nina Williams’ hand built clay class runs every Wednesday from 5:30 to 8:30 for 8 sessions beginning the first week of January, 2010, in the Civic Center basement. Mistakenly, the time was incorrect, 5:30 to 6:30. This wonderful class is 3 hours, not 1 hour. The last week of her first Fruita class was completed this week.
The City’s basketball rec teams are doing well. Check the guide for swim times and for swim lesson times. Fruita Monument High School pool is the place.
The Guide has an activity for everyone.
Nov. 3. Council meeting
According to the Fruita City Council Agenda for November third, the Roice-Hurst Humane Society/Ascent Productions will host a celebration for the Rim Rock Marathon at the James M.Robb, Colorado River State Park, after the event.
Ascent Productions have recently purchased the right to hold this marathon.
At the request of the Mayor, the request to approve a Letter Agreement with Cobb and Associates was taken off the consent agenda because he felt that the Council should have had the opportunity to be informed in advance of major marketing efforts, cost thereof, interim reports, possible effectiveness. He also wanted to hear the different strategies as well as the reasons the firm of Cobb and Associates have devised the plan submitted.
“Long term agreements sometimes foster a lack of attention and direction of the ongoing market ing efforts,” Mayor Henry wrote in a memo to Staff and Council. “We are in a very competitive marketing climate which requires periodic evaluation and flexibility of the brand efforts. Competition is good for the idea and creative sector as well as the service sectors of our economy.
Henry noted that he would like to see the cost of the contract as well as have a report detailing the revenue generated from the tourism tax and where the monies would be spent, or have the Council to be informed in advance of marketing, public relations and customer relation strategies with the opportunity for the Council to offer opinions and ask questions.
During the public hearing segment of the meeting, Kokopelli Senior Living Planned Unit Development requested approval of their concept Plan for the Kokopelli Senior Living PUD Apartment Complex to be located at 536 Kokopelli Boulevard.
The Planning Commission voted 7 to 0 after their public hearing on this matter, to recommend approval of the proposed Concept Plan.
The proposed site for the development is currently vacant. At one time, the “anchor” for Kokolopelli , the bowling alley and movie theatres were supposed to have been built at that location.
The preliminary PUD {Plan would be constructed in one phase. The plan calls for a 122 unit apartment building on approximately fine and a quarter acres. Apartments would range in size from 560 to 875 square feet with 73 one bedroom and 49 two-bedroom units. The apartments are intended for seniors 55 and older.
Thanks to the government mandate for upgrading municipal waste treatment facilities throughout the State of Colorado, the second reading of an ordinance to approve a loan from the Colorado Water Resources and Development Authority to finance the new Wastewater Treatment Facility and wastewater capital improvements.
The mandated improvements for this mandated waste treatment upgrade for the City of Fruita amount to a loan of $30,994,472 for the construction thereof. Hopefully the finished plant would see the City through the next 25 to 30 years.
The groundbreaking ceremony for this new plant will take place Thursday, November 12, a t 3 p.m. at 1131 15 Road, just south of the old “Gilsonite Refinery” located at 15 Road and Highway 6, west of the City of Fruita.the new site for the facility.
The ground breaking ceremony for the new Fruita Community Center wil take place on Saturday, dec. 5, 324 N.Coulson, 11:30 a.m. shovel painting, ground breaking at 12 noon. Refreshments to follow.. Mary Cawood, through her grant writing skills and huge investment of personal time, has recently helped acquire another grant, this one from the Boetcher Foundation for $75.000. Donations are welcome to meet the matching grant of $50,000 from Gates Rubber. It would be great for the community to dig in and help meet this goal.
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