Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Rim Rock Rodeo Aug. 12 results and photos (With photos very wet slack barrels)

This week, the rain tried to drown out slack barrel racing. The gals that braved the downpour deserve kudos for their efforts. Gene Taylor's in Kokopelli saved my day. I was able to buy a slicker with hood, and pants for $3.99. I bought my muck boots , Columbia brand for
$9.00. These reminded me of days gone past in our cattle pen back in Kansas...Thanks Gene Taylors.  The rest of the rodeo escaped the wet drops and watched some great events.

Here are the results from last evening's performances.
Zach Roper placed first in Bareback Bronc Riding  with Victor Sandquist second.
Chad Shaw was the one successful rider in the saddle Bronc competition.
Bulls have no riders listed although I thought one had made it but evidently not as no names were listed.
Junior Bulls saw Colton Fritzlan take first and Macade Bronson place second.
With the muck in the arena evidently no one was successful at Ribbon Roping.
Barrel Racing results are as follows:
1D, first place, Kailee Katiska, 17.61 and second Catlin Jones, 18.54.
2D, first, Heather Blasdel, 18.84 and second, Taniesha Fortenberry 19.10.
3D, first Mattie Kistner, 19.68; second, Jordan Miner, 19.82.
Team Roping:
#8  First, Brannan Allen and Kevin Norell
      Second, Kyle Rush and Glen Younger
# 11, First, Denten Taylor and Dusty Tayler
       Second,Tammy Gaza and Kevin Abiell.
The arena is wet, wet!

"And, I am soaked , soaked!

"I'm gonna give it a try!"

"Me, too!"

"Well Horsey, my friend,  we're about to race in mud."

"Better than dust, maybe?"

"And my hat is NOT going to come off in that muke!"

"Just don't slip in this mud!"
Lending a helping hand.

"Here I go,again"
This sheep doesn't want to cooperate.

"I didn't really want to rest."

"Ready or not, I'm coming."

"What a way to treat a guy!"

"Didn't expect the ride to end this way."

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