Thursday, April 3, 2014

Art Camp is well and alive in Fruita. Check this site for more information. Registration form here.

Art Campers work on mural.

You can just click on this form to print it out. Send to one of addresses listed for the form.
Name of Camper________________________________________________Age____________________
Name of Parent/Guardian______________________________________________________________
    Home Phone___________________________ cell phone______________________
Any allergies or medical conditions, and or medications, teachers should be aware of, for safety’s sake.__________________________________________________________________
Family Doctor __________________________________________Phone__________________________
If medication required, who is person handling?_____________________________________
Emergency contact _________________________________________phone 24/7_______________
Alternative emergency contact _____________________________ phone___________________
Email address (for announcements, etc.)______________________________________________
Make check or money order for $65.00  out to FMS Art Club Fruita Art Camp Acct.
Mail to: Mulder, 983 E. Pabor Ave. Fruita 81521…      or  Lauri Baker, Fruita Middle School, 239 N. Maple, Fruita, 81521

Names of persons who will pick up your camper, campers at 3pm, end of camp for the day. ________________________________________, relationship_____________________
                _________________________________________, relationship____________________
                _________________________________________, relationship_____________________
 If you have a change in plans, please write a note for teachers so we know who that someone is, if not listed in registration form for pick up.
*Please sign here if your camper has your permission to take a field trip, if we manage to arrange one._____________________________________________________________
*Please sign here if we have permission to use sun screen if needed:
Camp dates are: ______June 2 through June  6,        Wearable Art;      
                               _______June 9 through June 13,     Animals in Art; 
                               _______June 15 through June 19,  Energy and Art;   
                                ______ June 23 through June 27, Artist, Camper’s Pick.
Check off the camp or camps you are registering for.
You may sign up for one,   two,  three , or four camps.  If you sign up for one week and would like to add another week later, that is fine. Just tell us or call before the Monday of the added week.  (Vera Mulder, cell 314 1245   or home, 858 9008,  Each week’s theme is different. Art activities vary accordingly.  Any field trips vary as well. 

Location of camp is: FMS Art Room entry north door, which faces the track and ball field.  There is a parking lot between the school and those fields.
Remember: Campers bring own lunches with extra snacks, waterbottle, a hat,  wear comfortable shoes for breaks, outdoor games. Please mark all camper’s lunch boxes, water bottles and personal belongings with camper’s name and phone.

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