Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Colorado River rises more, June 7, 2011

The Colorado breached the west end of Snooks in 5 spots June 5 and 6.
June 7 has found that end full and filling even more.

The walking path which circles the lake is flooded as well.

This part of the trail is actually waist deep now.

This view looks to the north west part of the lake.

Here Molly swims where the path used to be.

Bo, the best dog ever, also swims where the path is deeply flooded.

Looking east to where the dock was visible finds it under water again .
Spring of 2008 found it under water when the Colorado ran through
a dike just past the dock to the north.

If you followed this blog a day ago, you saw the culvert
with a few inches to spare. Today the river has covered
it in muddy water.

The owner of this dog used the flooded area to swim her dog.

The boat launch is not exactly useable at this point. Remember,
the Sheriff's office has issued a warning to keep all persons off
the river at this time due to the extremely swift currents and the
debris barreling down stream. Stay Off!

Where rocks once were for fishermen to sit on, the river nows
swirls on swiftly. (Taken bridge over 340)

The 1983 record most likely will be reached and broken.
That line is about where the wet part of the bridge wall shows.

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