Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8 Thursday Night Concert

Finders and Youngberg played for a fair-sized audience at the Fruita Thursday Night Free Concert on July 8. Playing great rhythms and oldies, audience found feet tapping and youngsters hopping about.
Next week's venue will be Pineapple Crackers, July 15, followed by Clean Slate on July 22. The City of Fruita is using only valley groups due to budget cuts. Watch for King 'N Trio, Swamp Coolers and Ralph Dinosaur.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6 Rimrock Rodeo Results

The bareback bronc won and therider lost. There were no Saddle Bronc riders.
In Bull Riding, Jason Blasdel won with an 84 as last rider of the night. In the first half of this event, Joe Frost placed second with an 81.
Junior bull riders saw first place earned by Josh Frost and Joey Brown second.
Jace Hutton placed first in calf roping with Joe Frost taking second.
The ribbon roping event was won by Hank Bounds and Nikki Milsap. Poke Younger and Utah Cox placed second.
Lindsay Jewell placed first in breakaway and Utah Cox, second.
Barrel Racing results are as follows:
1D, 1st Sophia Crews with a 17.2 second ride, 2nd Lori Wolfe

2D, 1st Jamie Cooper, 2nd Bailey Macnamara
3D, Julie Cooper, 2nd Kathy Norell
Team Roping with Header followed by Heeler:
#8 1st Mark Wagner, Ed Duran
     2nd Mark Bonelle, Steve Mock
#11 1st Kevin Kracht, Mario Balezlena
       2nd Mark Bonella,  Matt Rice